Last night I threw a surprise party for him and it turned out better than expected! (Thanks to Candice's ingenius ideas and help)
Our delicious food from La Grande Orange pizzeria along with a picture of the birthday boy in his birthday suit. Well, almost. Love the hairstyle!
The dessert- Arlecchino's gelato!
In honor of Derek's birthday, I thought I'd make a list of 30 things I love about him:
He supports and loves his family and does it well!
He's an excellent businessman and is successful in each of his 4 companies.
He's a hard worker.
He's very dedicated. He just started a 3 month exercise program that is very strenuous, but he sticks to it, even if it means going to the gym at the crack of dawn or 10 at night.
He has a great sense of humor. It's very similar to my dad's which is why they get along so well I think.
He has big muscles which is good considering I have none.
He makes friends easily. That was very apparent at the concert when by the time we left, he was making lunch plans with the 75 year old woman sitting next to him. Just kidding.
He loves to play and wrestle with the kids.
He helps around the house (mostly the outside, but he's getting better about the inside).
He's affectionate.
He enjoys spending time with his family.
He lets me decorate the house however I want and I know it's alot more girly than he would like.
He knows everything about cars.
He lets me pick out his clothes.
He'll eat my cooking and always says it's good, even if it looks or tastes like poo.
He's always up on the latest technology and loves having all the new gadgets. That's why I got remote start and navigation in my car for my birthday 2 years in a row.
He's good-looking!
He loves the gospel and is a good example.
He'll go shopping with me, even though it's his least favorite thing to do.
He's not afraid of scorpions (or anything really).
He likes to make up words to songs when he doesn't know the real words and it can be quite entertaining.
After 7 1/2 years of marriage, he still opens my car door.
He likes romantic comedies- Sleepless in Seattle is one of his favorites. But maybe that's just because he likes Meg Ryan. :)
He secretly wants to be the lead singer in a band.
He has been told by more than one person that he looks like the guy in the new James Bond. He likes that.
He likes to dress up. Any excuse to wear a nice tux or suit!
If he wants to do something, he does it. He got his pilot's license not too long ago because he's wanted to do it since he was a little boy.
He likes nice things and likes to keep them nice! Especially our cars- they are almost always spotless! (And with 3 little kids that's not easy to do)
He's ambitious. He sets high goals for himself and really tries his best to achieve them.
He's the best husband and father I could've asked for!
Happy birthday Derek! I love you!