No, you're not seeing double- or I guess you are - we now have 2 dogs. We thought Shadow could use a friend and hopefully they start to like each other because so far they either fight or stay as far away from each other as possible. I laughed when the previous owners told us his name- Cosby. Get it?
Why?...Why, why, why?
I get it. Did you know Bill attended Temple University?
That thing looks like it could pull a carriage, or two. I can't wait for Maya and Adam to meet him. And amen to Kelli's comment. Now you have 5 kids! (Well, sometimes 6...)
Good Grief! Who knew you were dog people twice over?!
I guess we can see who wears the pants in your family. Derek gets his way again! I suppose he figures you've taken over on the inside, so his domain will be in the backyard/garage.
Forget Sandy & Danny. You should be Caesar & Cleopatra for Halloween. You could ride a chariot to our Halloween party adorned with Shadow & Cosby as your trusty steeds. You'd for sure win the couple's costume prize.
I must be extra slow because I don't get the Cosby reference. Please enlighten my 4th grade IQ.
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