My nephew Adam's first birthday was also on Thanksgiving so they played duck, duck, turkey for the birthday game.

This was Clara on Friday evening at about 6:00 p.m. after 2 days of festivities and no naps.

My favorite part about Thanksgiving(besides family and food)- decorating for Christmas!

We have a busy month ahead so I'll have lots to post about!
Your Holiday looks delightful!
Your Christmas Decor is so cute!
I love the picture of Clara sitting up sound asleep! Too cute! And I love the Christmas decor...I think I might steal your entry way idea with the little collection of trees!!
Clara's picture portrays how I feel right now. It's too bad we as mothers can't fall asleep any gosh darn place we feel like. :) If we did we'd wake up to the smell of fire & the sound of either sobs or laughter.
Beautiful trees. I love them!
Its fun to see new pictures/new perspectives of an event you were present for. I never knew I looked so good while running. I do love your trees as well. They will look even better after we go on an after-Christmas spree and scoop up EVERY pink, silver and gold decoration from here to kingdom come!
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