I was just talking to someone the other day about how great it was that we hadn't seen any scorpions in our house for over a year. I put glueboards in almost every room, but the only place we seem to find scorpions is the living room. Occasionally I check the living room glueboard which is between our piano and the wall just to make sure there aren't any scorpions on it and I happened to be playing the piano this afternoon and decided to peek at the glueboard and this is what I found. I almost threw up. I HATE HATE HATE scorpions! I've always been deathly afraid of them and with good reason. Growing up we would find at least one a day at my parents house and I remember going in the backyard at night with a black light and finding 86 in one night! I was afraid of being stung in my bed, so I slept on the couch in the family room. One night (I was about 17), I felt a needle-like stab in the back of my thigh as I was sleeping. My first thought was that it was a pin sticking out of the couch so I went back to sleep. A few minutes later I felt that same pain on my chest, so I ran into the bathroom and looked down my shirt and there was a scorpion! I freaked out and started shaking my shirt to get it out and it stung me 4 or 5 more times before falling out. The stings weren't so bad; I was just numb in those areas for most of the day. It was the thought of that disgusting creature crawling all over me that had me in tears. So there's my scorpion story. And now that I have kids I would hate for that to happen to one of them! Sorry if the picture grosses you out- I could barely take a picture of it. It still makes me ill. Oh yeah- and the one on the bottom was still moving.
YUCK!!! I too had the pleasure of growing up in a house that we would find scorpions in everday!! One night we found 125 on our back wall!! I was stung 4 times growing up--but all by seperate scorpions. Powell got stung last summer at my mom's house--though it wasn't as bad as I anticpate it might be (to have my child stung). I don't know what possesed me to buy a house in this area knowing those creatures are crawling around!!! By the way, what are glue boards?? I might need to invest in some!!
I got stung in my own bed, 3 times, both legs. I couldn't stand all day...and we never found the culprit. I made my dad tear my bed apart...no where to be found. The fact we couldn't find the little varmit hurt worse than the stings. I had no revenge.
WOW! I get chills just thinking about it. I've never heard of glue for scorpions. But then again, I wasn't raised here. I'll keep glue in mind. Also...I laughed at the bird story. So funny. Love, Cam
DID YOU NOT READ MY "ABOUT ME" POST. I am currently in tears. Scorpions are one of my biggest fears and I saw one in our garage once and started crying and was gasping for air. No joke. I've been stung only once, but just the thought of them creeps me out. I plan on putting glue boards (once I figure out what they are) in every room in our new house. Must go to Home Depot today.
Okay, the reason I went to your blog was to tell you my paint colors: kitchen is Hawthorne Yellow by Benjamin Moore- love it. Dining room is Beach Glass also by Benjamin Moore- my friend Amy introduced me to it and it is one of my faves. Allover color is Dunn Edwards' Inside Passage and stripes are also Dunn Edwards' Winter Lite. I had about seventy patches on my walls of allover colors, but I am so happy with what I chose.
Your house is turning into a regular zoo- scorpions, great danes, sparrows... you could start charging admission.
My stomach really did turn when I saw this picture.
Some of my fondest memories growing up are the scorpion torture sessions. Burning, drowning, freezing, caging them up with another bug to watch them fight to the death, etc. Ah, sweet memories.
tell me more about these glue boards, i need some!
WOW! that is scarry! I remember on Friday you told me and McKenna that you hadn't had any for a long time! I don't like scorpions, and I have never even been stung! At least you found it on the glue board and not on the floor by your feet!
Let me first start by saying how thankful I am that girls choir doesn't meet around the piano at your house. That picture will haunt me.
Odd how I lived next door & we didn't nearly have as many of the vulgar creatures as you guys. Although, I was stung, my experience in no way compares to one of those disgusting things crawling down my shirt. I just got the shivers thinking about it. YUCK!
Oh Maren, that is awful. I would pick up and move - well, probably not, but I'd want to!
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