My younger brother Carter just opened his mission call tonight. He will be serving in Independence, Missouri and he will be preaching the gospel in sign language. How cool is that? We've always said that Carter is the next Joseph Smith so this is the perfect place for him. He leaves June 25, just 4 days after his 19th birthday. Congratulations Cart!
What an awesome call! What are the chances that he would get called to a sign language mission - and Candace would have a degree in sign language. Now they'll be able to talk about everybody without anybody knowing!
By the way - I want a cute background like yours!
That is awesome! My brother just got his mission call yesterday too, but doesn't leave until the middle of July!
What Carter is turning 19! That is crazy! How fun to get to learn sign language and teach to the hearing impared.
That's awesome! Too bad he probably won't be in Independance before we move back in July.
PS I remember when Carter was born! Is he really 19?
Are you sure he is really 19? That is too crazy!! What a great missions call--congrats Carter!
That is so awesome, congrats!
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