I think you already know how much I love white dishes, but I may be getting close to my limit. I found these pretty dishes (a divided serving plate and a compote/ candy dish) to give away to the person who comes closest to guessing just how many white dishes I have around my house! Leave a comment by Monday, June 28 at midnight with your guess. Good luck!
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
I guess 26...
I'm guessing 45 to 47 milk glases + cakestand + your cute ruffle plates mmmmmmmmmmmmm close to 100
I say... 75!
I love milk glass stuff too. I'm gonna say you own 52 pieces?
I just realized someone already guessed 100...so i will guess 105
80ish. And the ish means I have a two dish cushion on each side. :)
I have only been in your house once to pick something up. but my dream is to decorate as adorable as you, LOVE THE HOUSE and all the white. 125?
Can I guess even if I know the answer?haha And I need you to be more specific??? Milk glass only?
How about 28....who knows what's hiding in your cupboards!
Yup. I'm sticking to it. Although you'll probably surprise me. I'm sure there's a Monica closet somewhere lurking in your house filled to the brim with milk glass.
But honestly, if you do have over 100, like many of these gals are guessing, you need to get control of your life. ha ha... :)
hmmm... my guess is 94!
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