Derek really outdid himself this year. I definitely underestimated him! I was having a good day- a homemade breakfast from my parents, pedicures and lunch with friends- then off to Modern Steak for dinner with Chris and Candice, or so I thought. Candice and Chris were running late, so Derek called the restaurant to see if they would hold our reservation(but really he was talking to himself). He told me they would only hold it for 10 minutes and they already had a 45 minute wait time without a reservation. We would never make it on time! He seemed really frustrated that it wasn't working out and suggested that we go to St. Francis instead because they could probably get us right in. Since I'm so easy to please and I always love St. Francis, I agreed to go there and decided we could go to Modern Steak another time. So we get to the restaurant and I still don't have a clue. The hostess played it very cool and it seemed she was seating us as a table of 4 until we walked upstairs where everyone else was waiting. I'm usually not one for surprises, but this was the best. I got kind of emotional- it's so nice to feel loved!

The menu- this may have been the best meal of my life. (P.S. If you haven't been to
St. Francis yet, you must go!)

The quiz that Candice compiled- I've never laughed so hard in my life.
The answers: 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. All of the above 9. D 10. B 11. D

Beautiful peonies, tulips, and roses in fun vintage jars lined the tables.

I'm sure glad there were only 3 candles on the cake instead of 30!

I'm so grateful to be surrounded by wonderful family and great friends. I think 30 will be a very good year. ;)