I think I love Valentine's Day more and more every year. Maybe it's because I always enjoyed it when I was little because my mom would make it so special and now I have my own family to share this day with and it's fun for me to make them feel special and know how much they're loved. This was our Valentine's breakfast- Oatmeal pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, berries with pink whipped cream, and strawberry smoothies.

The girls trying on their gifts from Granny

Kelli came into town so of course we had to make a memorable Sunday dinner. We tried our hands at
chocolate bowls for dessert- 25 of them. It was quite the experience. We popped lots of balloons and broke a few bowls, but overall they turned out pretty well! We filled them with chocolate cake, vanilla whipped cream, and strawberries.

Sunday morning before church

Hiking the wind caves Monday morning

And to top it all off, Derek asked me to come trim the sides of his hair yesterday morning. He usually gives himself a buzz and I come in after to trim the sides and make sure it's even. I was busy talkin' away and without even looking I grabbed the clippers and started up the side of his head. He didn't have the guard on. Whoops. Luckily my mom came and saved the day and he didn't have to go completely bald. At least his hair grows fast!