Here's the dog that's responsible for these...

Yep- puppies. Shadow had them last night and we keep the dogs in the garage to sleep so we didn't know until this morning. She had 6, but sadly, 3 didn't make it. We feel bad that we weren't there to help her because they all would have lived. The 3 that did make it are doing great and they're bigger than I thought they would be! So if you know anyone wanting a Great Dane, they'll be available in about 8 weeks!

The proud mama.
(And no, she doesn't have a crazy eye, it's just the flash from the camera. :)
I still can't believe it. All the puppy love from a few short weeks ago... and now you've got Curly Shirley, Twirly Shirley, and Pearly Shirley (I can't remember the last one's name). I can't wait to see them. Congrats, Shadow and Cosby!
Oh my goodness! They are so cute. Shadow sure is a protective Mama. I could barely hold one without her taking it out of my hands. You don't want to mess with a Great Dane & her puppies.
I could only guess Clara named the pups because she named my unborn child Curly Shirley the other day. Darnet, now I can't use the name.
Awwwww, cute puppies! If they stayed that small forever, I would definitely take one...but just the fact that they grow to be as big as a horse is a big enough deterent for me. Fun!
Oh my gosh, they're so cute!! What do mean in 8 weeks... you don't need 3 more great danes?!
Hey Maren, it's Kim Linn (now: Hadlock)(Mase's friend), but I saw your puppies and they are so cute! I have been looking for a dog for a little while, but how much are you selling them for and are any of them girls? Just let me know, thanks :)
Cute! I didn't know Shadow was pregnant. I love puppies.
How cute! Congrats. You have to keep at least one :)
Hi Kim- One of them is a girl and we're hoping to get $800 for them. You're welcome to come take a look anytime! Just e-mail me at marenann3@yahoo.com and I can give you directions. Thanks!
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