Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Before trick-or-treating

At Granny and Grampa's house- Janie already knows what Halloween's about! She SCREAMED bloody murder if she was ever without candy. Great.


Kelli said...

Hahaha, that is a great family photo. Janie has a sweet tooth just like you.

Aut said...

It was fun seeing you at your parents house on Halloween! I just can't go one Halloween without hearing "Ghostbusters" blaring from the Bradshaw's house! Your kids looked so cute!

Melody B. said...

Wow, such a cute family! Your oldest daughter looks just like you!

Briann said...

Such a cute picture!

Candice said...

Clara's smiles in both pics are so huge and so pretty! Little different from the ones at preschool earlier that morn. And I really like Janie's face in the first pic, and I just really like Clay in general.

The Wilkins' said...

Can I have Janie?

Amanda B. said...

Cute costumes! And I still can't believe that's your hair in the pictures of you and Derek. I could've sworn it was a wig!

Maren said...

What a great looking family!!!