Most of the time I wish I had more time to myself, to run errands or do a project or just sit and relax without kids. I've realized just how little patience I have. But then there are times when the kids are being so sweet and so funny and I remember why I love being a mom. I wouldn't have it any other way. So here are a few pics to remind me of the good times:
I took Clara to Baby Bliss for a Back to School Bash and they were doing face painting, but Clara decided she wanted it on her arm and she was so proud of it! She was walking around with her arms straight out all night-she did not want it to get messed up.
I was trying to get a picture of Clara and Clay together, but Clay was not happy about Clara scooting right next to him- I guess he likes his space! So this is how it started...
And this is how it ended. I love to watch them wrestle- they weigh about the same so they both have some pretty good competition!
I'm with ya. I like to have time to myself. This "mom" thing is not easy at times. Thank goodness for all the good times they bring.
Maren-Hey it's Miki...I just wanted to say "Hi" I've never actually seen any of your kiddies. They are so beautiful...& your home is absolutely georgeous!!! This blog thing is so nice, to be able to check up on people you love but never seem to see. I am glad to have found you:)
I love your kids all the time! But thats probably because I don't have to deal with them all the time, and I can just ship them back to you when they are trying :) Thanks for the cutest room ever, and I will post some pictures soon so that all can see what best sisters and family I have.
My life motto is pretty much Kelli's comment summed up into: Being an Aunt is THE BEST! :) I sound like a woven pillow at my Grandma's house, but seriously- it's the best to just spoil them and then send them home when they're naughty.
Your kids really ARE very, very, {VERY} cute. I love Clara's dress in the 'wrestling' pictures! I think Ellie/Roxy need it. Where can I buy it for them?
You have such cute kiddos! I feel for you though. I have been in DESPERATE need of a kid free weekend for a while now!
Hi Maren, It's great to see you on here. It's been a long time. Your kids are so darn cute! I know what you mean, they can be hard . . . but it's worth every minute. I love being a mom.
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