Kelli makes the best music mixes...a strong competitor to DJ Jazzy Jeff. Ps it's been a while since I've seen any new ones, eh? Kelli makes rolls that give my taste buds a glimpse into what food must be like in the celestial kingdom. She's the Jillian Michaels of Utah County- helping all of us weight-challenged people make it into the Golden Corral without going hypertensive. Happy Birthday Kelli! Love, Chris

Dear Kelli,
Your beauty, like your mother, is unsurpassed. Your sparkling eyes can melt the heart of any young man. Your wink is part of that knowing glance that conveys more than mere words. You are muy intellegente! You are a queen of culinary cuisine! You can do hard things (e.g. stucco a fence- and it is usually at Mom's bidding)! I am most grateful that your incredibly perfect hair grew back (didn't it?) after I pulled it out from getting tangled in the repelling rope. You are a natural leader and a most inspired example of womanhood. You are most generous and a faithful and true friend to all. Mom and I are very proud of you and count ourselves most blessed to enjoy you as one of our priceless treasured children. You are a most precious daughter and cherished gift from our Heavenly Father.

Dear Kelli,
I love you. Happy Birthday. I hope you enjoy having your birthday party this year. I hope you have a lot of fun. I love you because you do such great things. Like going swimming with me, and going to the movies, and hanging out together. I like having KFC for lunch with you. You are a great sister of mine. Thank you for all the things you have done for me. Love, Parker

Where do I begin?? Happy Birthday to one of the FINEST young ladies I know!! You are kind, smart, generous, talented, hard-working, dependable, diligent, steady, considerate, helpful (mostly to me), fun, funny, and independent. What more could a mom ask for?! Thank you for being such a great example to all of us. Thank you for all the ‘projects’ you’ve helped me with! Thank you for loving sports. J Thank you for all the carefully thought out gifts that we all love and cherish. Thank you for being sensible and taking care of the household whenever you are here---wish it was much more often! Thank you for the many wonderful meals and rolls!! You are beautiful inside and out and I’m proud to claim you!!!
Lots of love and hurry home!!!!

Happy Birthday Kelli!!! I'm proud to call you my sister (in-law). You have set a great example for everyone in the family and your friends with finishing school and starting your career. You are always so thoughtful to me and my family and I really appreciate you! I hope your birthday is the best one ever. love Derek.

One of Kelli’s best characteristics is her thoughtful giving. Many times in my life I have been the recipient of awesome birthday/Christmas gifts like G.I. Joes, championship wrestling belts, nose flutes, and CDs with hand-picked songs from Kelli. It’s like she knows what I want for Christmas even when I don’t really know what I want. Each custom made CD is the same way- she knows the kind of music I like without me even knowing what kind of music I like. My ipod is filled with hundreds of songs on a playlist that Kelli made especially for me (this has helped me through many hours of homework and yard work). Each member of the family receives the same kinds of thoughtful gifts, and they are so meaningful because of the thought and care that Kelli puts into them. I mean, as much as I love my championship wrestling belt, it wouldn’t mean nearly as much to me if I had bought it for myself.
Gift giving is a good example of her selflessness, but it’s not the only way that Kelli shows charity for everyone. I think her generosity and thoughtfulness is constant. Any time she comes home for a visit, she takes the lead in doing yard work, house work, cooking, etc. She has become famous for baking unparalleled rolls and has made literally thousands of them without a complaint. Any time I go up to Utah for a visit, she seems to drop everything to drive me wherever and take me and J.D. to expensive restaurants and insist on paying for us, or cook another one of her supreme meals for us. Of course I would still love Kelli even if she didn’t buy me cool gifts or make me rolls or do my share of yard work or pay for my meals. My point is that a vast majority of her time is spent on serving others and making other people happy. This is something she has mastered, and I want to be more like her. Happy birthday, Kelli! I love you! Carter

Kelli is seriously one of my best friends! I love how much she cares for EVERYONE, as seen by all of these posts she has done for each and every one of us--in the spare time that she doesn't have much of! I love when she comes home to visit--She helps out with the cleaning and makes my life easier! :) Kelli always gives the greatest gifts EVER! She listens to small conversations all throughout the year and then surprises everyone by remembering the details, and giving a present that has to do with it. Kelli makes the greatest food EVER and likes to share that talent, which is fine by me! She makes the BEST rolls you have ever tasted! Kelli has always been such an example to me. She was my sister that was at home the longest, and I remember looking at her and thinking she was SO cool! I wanted to be JUST like her, and I have become more and more like her as the years have gone by, much to my advantage! Watching Kelli run in junior high inspired me to do it too, and I'm so glad I did! She is always fun to go shopping with, or to just talk to. She takes an interest in everyone, regardless of how "cool" they are to others. She spends her time serving others, and making sure that everyone has not only what they need, but a little extra too. Kelli has always been an awesome example and big sister to me, and I'm so glad I can call her my friend and sister! Love, Emma

I remember when I was about eight years old, Kelli (then about five or six) and I were roller-skating inside the pool area. Don’t ask me why. This was during the late 80s when roller skates were made with leather uppers and solid steel frames. While racing around the pool Skateland style, Kelli and I noticed a small raft floating toward the edge of the pool at a snail’s pace. Kelli and I decided we needed to get a hold of that raft. I knelt down on the edge of the deck and reached out over the water. I’ll never forget Kelli’s inspiring cheers: Mason! Mason! Mason! I knew I couldn’t let her down, so I reached as far as I could. But the raft was just out of reach. I plunged face first into the water. The skates were like bags of cement pulling me to the bottom of the pool. I remember looking up at Kelli through several feet of water. How could I have let her down? She was my biggest fan, my sidekick. Thankfully, Kelli called for help and Dad came quickly to the rescue.
To this day, Kelli continues to encourage and uplift others (although she has stopped encouraging roller skaters near bodies of water). I feel that just as Kelli looked up to me when we were kids, I look up to her today for her good example and righteousness. She is one of the most thoughtful, kind individuals I know. Thank you Kelli for being a great sister and friend. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mason
Kelli is one of my favorite people. There are many things I love about her. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know. Kelli is always listening, so if you mention that you need an immersion blender, there is a good chance you will find one in your mailbox a week or two later. Or if she goes out of her way to come visit you in another state, she will probably send you some flowers afterward.
Kelli is often referred to as the “Favorite Aunt.” It is probably because she remembers every birthday, spends quality time, and makes each person feel special.
When we lived in Florida, we loved when Kelli came to visit. It was nice to have her to ourselves for a few days. Some of my favorite activities with Kelli include laying out at her pool in Provo, taking a road trip to San Francisco, relaxing at the beach on the east coast and the west, playing basketball at the church in Jacksonville, going to Disney World, traveling to Savannah, and baking/eating Kelli’s Famous Buns and Cinnamon Rolls.
Kelli is smart, accomplished, and witty. There is never a dull moment when she is around. I am so grateful that Kelli is my sis-in-law. She’s a good one! Happy Birthday, Kel!!! Love, Amanda
Great job, Mare!! Its all true!! Kelli is a keeper. A real gym dandy!! :)
This was a rich and happy way to start the morning. I am smiling ear to ear and have laughed out loud more than once. LOL to "Ps- bobcat of the year", "yelling crapbag out the window", and the pics of Kelli and Carter doing cheers winky with the wineglasses, and Kelli sledding on the pine needles at the cabin. Also, Kelli is very photogenic. I agree, Kelli is for sure the gym dandiest.
I was truly touched by this tribute! Your family ROCKS!! Happy Birthday Kelli!!
Oh, how I love Kelli. I, too, have been a recipient of all of her thoughtfulness. While I was a whale of a pregnant lady with no ability to do anything, she would drive 45 minutes to come cook and clean for me, without being asked. She has suprised me with funny cards and gifts when I needed a pick-me-up. Her example of service has stuck with me and showed me what I want to be like when I grow up. And she is funny. That's important. A perfect combination of humor and kindness.
This may just be one of the best posts I have ever read. Cheers to the Bradshaw family for being so nice to each other! I have been lucky enough to experience Kelli's wonderfulness for most of my life and like a fine wine she is just getting better with age. Kelli likes to send me random packages throughout the year (why, because who doesn't love a random gift on March 11th?)and I have loved every last one of them, especially because I was really needing a pair of fake red eyelashes. Thanks Kel. Kelli has been a shining example to me all my life and I can't ask for a better friend/sister that I never had. She has been there for all the big moments which is why I need her to hurry and fly to AZ and hold my hand/keep Jesse from fainting while I have this baby. Hurry Kelli!
This is one sweet post! I loved reading it all...KELLI you are much loved!
I love this! And she really is all those wonderful things. I am so grateful she is one of my best friends. My life is better because of her.
But my favorite part is Parker's: bobcat of the year. I laughed out loud at that.
Best blog post EVER!! My day has officially been made. My family is the best. I read and re-read the post and all comments 17 times. Thank you, thank you, Thank You!! I love my family and friends!
What an amazing and true post! (It'd have to be if you can get Stacie to comment on it!) In my humble opinion, Kelli is one of the greatest people in the world. You can know this is true because she had 85, yes 85 people wish her happy birthday on Facebook. Seriously though, Kelli is one of the most thoughtful people I know, and I love her wit and her sense of humor! When I'm with her I'm always trying to think of something funny to say. And I probably would have starved in college if it weren't for her. If I had half of her cooking skills, my husband and kids would be so happy! Hope you had a very happy birthday Kel!
Wish ya'll were my family! All I can say is ditto, ditto, ditto! So glad I get to call Kelli my friend!
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