It's been a crazy couple of weeks! Candice and I had our final girls' chorus "Silly Songs" concert- we have loved singing with these girls and will miss doing this!

Clara had her Kindergarten play, "Little Red Riding Hood"- she was a beautiful butterfly!

My sweet Grandpa Darwin passed away last week. We will miss him so much, but it was really good to have him in Mesa for a month and we had some wonderful visits. It's bittersweet because he's gone, but I know he had a joyous reunion on the other side with my Grandma Olive. His funeral will be on Saturday, and although not a fun occasion, it means we get to have Mason, Kelli, and J.D. in town for a few days!

And last, but not least, Candice had her baby on Saturday! Grant William Drew was around 9 lbs (the scale at the hospital was broken, so they'll never really know how much he weighed) and he couldn't be cuter. I can't get enough of this sweet boy.