Clara's another year older and I can't believe she's 6 already! Where does the time go? I don't know what I would do without my sweet Clara girl. She's so full of personality, my best helper, and a great big sister to Clay and Janie. In some ways she's still my baby- she still likes Derek and I to walk her to her classroom every morning and give her a hug and kiss, she still likes to snuggle, and she doesn't know about Hannah Montana yet (thank goodness!). Yet in other ways, she's growing up too fast- she always wants to wear make-up (for real), she's already reading Junie B. Jones books, and she has her first childhood crush (Carson B.). Just the other day she said to me, "Mom, this is what I told Carson today at school. Knock knock. Who's there? Mary. Mary who? Mary me; I love you." I really hope it works out because she's going to be crushed otherwise. Becky, you can't move away okay? :) Happy, happy Birthday Clara! I love you more and more every day.
Look for Less Togo Loveseat
1 week ago
TOO TOO cute! :) I love Clara Girl!! Can't believe she is 6 either! Holy cow!! She is growing up way too fast! I'm proud to be the favorite auntie! :) Just kidding!! Happy Happy Birthday Clarice!
Oh my gosh, she is so dang cute, and that cake is awesome, and that knock knock joke is hysterical...I'll have to try that :)
She is SO cute! I love her dress & shoes. She is totally your mini-me in these pictures! Seriously where is the time going? It's scary that our kids are old enough to have crushes... but her knock-knock joke is hilarious!
Also, I don't know if I could love the picture of the kids in front of the fireplace any more... Janie's face is absolutely priceless!! I love it. I love it so much.
The kids are loving that knock knock joke. They say it to Carson about 20 times a day. Just between you and me, I think the feeling is mutual. He's just too much of a boy to admit it.
Happy B-Day sweet Clara.
You are so cute!!!
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