Oh how I love Conference weekend. Besides the fact that we don't have to get up and ready for 8 o'clock church, I look forward to General Conference because it's almost like a holiday. We get to spend 2 whole days with family and listen to our Prophet and Apostles who's words increase our faith and strengthen our testimonies. I have to admit though, the thing that touches me the most is the music. I loved listening to the Primary children's sweet voices and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was outstanding as always. I think my favorite song had to be "Oh What Songs of the Heart". It gave me chills. It reminded me of my ward growing up (Fairfield) when Candice was called to be the choir director and this was one of the songs we performed. I played the piano part while my mom was on organ and we had a very large choir- it sounded AMAZING. It became a favorite of our Bishop at the time, and when he passed away, the ward choir was asked to perform it at his funeral. Words cannot describe the feeling in that room. I'm sure even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir would have been impressed. I seem to associate music with memories, so for me this song reminds me of our dear Bishop. Music is so powerful and I hope my children grow to appreciate good music as much as I do. To listen to the song, go here (it's in the Sunday morning session). Now Dad- this is for you- my 6 favorite speakers: 1. Dallin H. Oaks- Sacrament Meeting 2. Jeffrey R. Holland-Angels 3. David A. Bednar- Meaningful Prayer 4. Henry B. Eyering- Unity 5. President Monson (Sunday Morning)- Change 6. Russell M. Nelson- Celestial Marriage
That song reminded me of the same thing. Words can't describe it. I just remember everyone around me was sobbing but yet there was singing.
i loved the primary choir, too. although i wasn't so sure about the dreary "dark clouds of trouble" part in "we thank thee o god for a prophet".
okay, this comment really doesn't "go" with this post. sorry. but in answer to your question, when classy closets built my laundry room cabinets, a ribbon holder was about the only thing i requested. i had them plan for that extra part that sort of hangs down under the cabinet. there are holes drilled just like inside the cabinets {for adjustable shelves}, then they supplied little metal brackets and metal dowels that fit them. that's all i know.
I can't listen to that song and not think of my dad. I LOVE it and I had lots of memories of you and Candice and your wonderful musical talents as I listened to it on Sunday!
Amen to that.
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