Quick update on the kids: Clara's obsession lately is helping me in the kitchen. Every time she sees me in there she asks "Can I help you make something?" It's been a good motivator for me because I want her to love to cook so I've been trying to increase my cooking and baking skills. Which reminds me, if you haven't looked at mine and my sisters' cooking blog there are lots of delicious recipes so check it out

Clay is into Transformers right now. It's all he talks about morning, noon, and night. He got some photo album boxes out and put them on his feet and walked around the house saying he was a Transformer. At least it makes Christmas shopping for him really easy! He loves, loves, loves preschool and has grown up so much these last few months.

These girls have the best bedhead of anyone I know. This picture is actually mild compared to what it usually looks like! Janie is at SUCH a fun age! Her vocabulary is excellent and she is almost always sweet and happy. When Clara and Clay are at preschool, Janie makes a great shopping partner. She been showing some signs of interest in the potty training area, but I haven't been very faithful about it. On Sunday she told us she needed to go potty so Derek put her on her potty chair and she went pee and poop, a first! She hasn't done it since, but she was sure proud of herself!