Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My new Motto

"If you don't want to clean it up, then don't make the mess." I've been saying this all to often to my kids. Only 2 more weeks until preschool- hallelujah!


The Barr Family said...
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The Barr Family said...

wow! so sorry Maren, I told my kids the same thing every time, but they never listen to me hahaha!
thank goodness for schools !!!!!!!

Lovin Family said...

looks all too familiar, and YES thank goodness for pre/elementary school. don't we just LOVE our tortured teachers??!!

Kylie said...

I am glad that my kids aren't the only ones that pull ALL the pillows and cushions off my couch EVERYDAY!! It seriously drives me crazy!!

Courtney Osborne said...

oh dont hate me! its been over 9 years that i have been home all day everyday with kids!!! its only been 3 days and i am already talking to the walls cuz i have nothing else to do!! and you are right, we need to get together sometime....let me know

Maury said...

Everytime I tell my boys to pick up their messes, they say, "but that will be so hard!"

That is where MY motto comes into play: "if you're capable of making that mess, you're capable of cleaning it up."

I'll start trying your motto BEFORE things go that far.

P.S. cushions off the couch make me want to scratch my eyes out.

Kelli said...

Hahaha, I, uh, I'm sorry your kids are tiny tornados.

Candice said...

That's messy?

Hillary said...

It's all too famililar!

Jodi said...

Oh I can so top that maren!! Try poop on the walls, red paint on the carpet, full box of cereal on the floor, new bar of irish spring soap in the toilets, yes thats right 2 toilets, plugged bathroom sink and a child hanging and swinging on the kitchen chandelier. This was all in one afternoon and for about everyday for 2 years. Got to love twin boys!!! Now in FULL time kindergarten and I miss them! well sort of!! ha ha

fantastic6 said...

I like your new motto. I have adopted that myself!:-) Even with my kids all in school, I can't seem to keep up! Enjoy the craziness, it does go way too fast. (never thought that would come out of my mouth)

Kristi said...

Ain't it the TRUTH!!

muth said...

I LOVE seeing your house try to be messy, Maren. I thought it wasn't possible! :)