Right after we got back from San Diego, we headed over to Oklahoma to spend time with some of Derek's family. His sister bought a pig farm about a year ago - she lives on 140 acres with about 350 pigs, 6 horses, 7 goats, 24 chickens, 4 dogs, and 3 cats. The kids were in heaven! The week flew by and we packed alot in! We went fishing, horseback riding, rode quads, went shopping, got pedicures, saw Night at the Museum 2, played at the park,and went to 2 rodeos. I even tried catfish and I'll have to admit it was pretty good (and I HATE seafood).

Most of our drive to Oklahoma was what used to be Route 66. I thought that was cool.

The biggest cross on the Western Hemisphere- it was in Texas, of course.