We just returned from a 6 day trip. First, we went to Utah for my sister Kelli's graduation. We haven't even been up there since Mason, Amanda, and Kelli have been there so it was really fun to see their homes and get to spend time with them.
It always makes me laugh to see Derek try to hold the 3 kids when you only have 2 arms. I guess he figured it out!

Mason and Amanda have the most beautiful park by their house, so we decided to go Saturday morning and have breakfast and let the kids play. I think we came at the right time- the weather was perfect!

After Utah, we drove over to Colorado to see Derek's sister and her husband Brian and their 2 kids. They live on 40 acres with horses, goats, dogs, and cats. Our kids thought they were at Disneyland- they loved the animals! On Monday, we went to Glenwood Canyon for a bike ride. It's a 16 mile bike trail that takes you through the canyon with a running river- so pretty! We only made it about a mile because I am the most out of shape person in the world and couldn't go anymore. I honestly don't think I've ridden a bike since I was 12. How sad! But we still had a really good time and the kids did exceptionally well considering all the driving we did!